Printing three dimensional objects with very fine details using two-photon lithography can now be achieved orders of magnitude faster than similar devices in a breakthrough by Vienna University of Technology (TU Vienna) researchers.
The 3D printing process uses a liquid resin, which is hardened at precisely the correct spots by a focused laser beam. The focal point of the laser beam is guided through the resin by movable mirrors and leaves behind a hardened line of solid polymer a few hundred nanometers wide.
This fine resolution enables the creation of intricately structured sculptures as tiny as a grain of sand. “Until now, this technique used to be quite slow”, says Professor Jürgen Stampfl from the Institute of Materials Science and Technology at the TU Vienna. “The printing speed used to be measured in millimeters per second — our device can do five meters in one second.” In two-photon lithography, this is a world record.
This progress was made possible by combining several new ideas. “It was crucial to improve the steering mechanism of the mirrors,” says Jan Torgersen (TU Vienna). The mirrors are continuously in motion during the printing process. The acceleration and deceleration-periods have to be tuned very precisely to achieve high-resolution results at a record-breaking speed.
Faster printing for large objects too
“The resin contains molecules, activated by the laser light. They induce a chain reaction in other components of the resin, monomers, and turn them into a solid,” says Torgersen. These initiator molecules are only activated if they absorb two photons of the laser beam at once, and this only happens in the very center of the laser beam, where the intensity is highest.
In contrast to conventional 3D-printing techniques, solid material can be created anywhere within the liquid resin rather than on top of the previously created layer only. So the working surface does not have to be specially prepared before the next layer can be produced (see video), which saves a lot of time.
Because of the dramatically increased speed, much larger objects can now be created in a given period of time. This makes two-photon-lithography an interesting technique for industry.
At the TU Vienna, scientists are now developing biocompatible resins for medical applications. They can be used to create scaffolds to which living cells can attach themselves facilitating the systematic creation of biological tissues. The 3d printer could also be used to create tailor made construction parts for biomedical technology or nanotechnology.
Source: Fast 3D printing with nanoscale precision
In the video, a race car with dimensions of 330x130x100µm3 is fabricated. The structure consists of 100 layers, each made of an average of 200 polymer lines. It is finished in 4 minutes and resembles the CAD file at a precision of ±1µm.
High speed fabrication of race car
This is awesome.
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ReplyDelete...3D Bioprinting-Immortality (mom-printer)...on wake up, but...if I am, when I was 18 years old...and still so I remember all my Life in the ancient body before... On the body the important is the head, in the head the important is the brain, in the brain the important is...the Memory...which is, along with Genes and Image, simply, what we are. Your recorded Memory to the new, young, perfect, identical bioprinted body and...Immortality...already the accidents do not matter. The Memory is the "soul" (software), our body only is the "automobile" that transport us (hardware). (But...is that..."it" already would be not "Me", it would be a "cyborg/clone/avatar/frankenstein". Are you sure?, because to sleep, loses consciousness, "it" disappears every night (dies)...and wake up "it" appears every morning (rebirths)...and our MEMORY instantly auto-recognizes us, the same in our own original body which in our new body... If we would have lost the Memory...we would have lost the Life).
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ReplyDeleteMeanwhile the World looks to elsewhere... Giant HORNETS...are threatening to all Humankind...it is necessary that the human beings, instead of destroy among them, destroy to those dangerous insects of huge exponential growing...seriously beginning already, at present.
ReplyDelete...3D Bioprinting-Immortality (biological timers)... Forever young with modified Biological Timers...which are the biological timers?, where are them? (genes, hypothalamus...), how functioning them?, how can modify them (telomerase...) for maintenance the hormones production, enzymes, cellular regeneration...all Eternity at same level of the 18 years old?... Have to accelerate Research about Memory and the Space´s Colonization... Immortality comes...
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DeleteNobel Prize physiology 2017 about circadian rhythms, but... Biological Timers...ordering stop growth at finish of adolescence...ordering start to grow-old at beginning of adulthood...
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel constant acceleration (immortals new body)... 3D Bioprinting...the technology used to print documents is also being utilized to create living tissue, in a not too distant future to "print", overlapping layer upon layer, whole organs such as a heart, a liver, a kidney, and one day a whole body. In the beginning the basic technique was exactly the same as using a normal inkjet printer, when printing a document (or image) inks of different colors are distributed on the paper in a specific pattern. It all started in this way: at Clemson University (years ago) have replaced printer inks for some "ink cells" alive. The ink cartridges were refilled with some cell solutions and software was rescheduled. The "paper" is a biodegradable gel, designed at the University of Washington, which solidifies to reach 32 ºC of temperature. Still need it much? for to be a reality with great performances. The main problem is that it is still unable to create an organ which circulates the blood, but it can print a tissue with thickness of a kidney in just 2 hours. The next step is to print the tiniest (capillaries) parts of an organ, just those that make it work (plasma with O2 and nutrients towards...↔▓↔...and CO2 which go into from...). If this is achieved would be very near the Eternity for human being.
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel not acceleration constant (graphene: planet errant)... every bit a Terraformed planet errant into a bubble graphene how diamond transparent...with fusion reactors which will give the light and heat how an artificial sun, encircling an antigravitational field Tesla/Brown "electrogravitics" prevents objects collision against the "blue-arch of heaven"... Who needs already a star...
ReplyDeleteInterstellar travel /without religion/,,, religious-miserable intentionally maintain years and years forever? that "Third World" because WITHOUT POOR AND IGNORANT THERE IS NOT RELIGION,,, the religious are the firsts that not belief in "God", thus the Inquisition (miserable-religious did make burn alive in the "bon-fire" to Human Beings in the Middle Ages,,,"bon" from French bon: "good",,,), thus miserable-religious-criminals Vatica abuse of the poor Innocents, thus miserable-religious mislead to the foolish, thus miserable-religious bribe to the folks. At present miserable-religious-terrorist-religious from other credos are burning the forest in the entire World obviously using tech-artefacts (drones, balloons,,,for that reason, news, are robbing drones to the shops: governments must put in the forest towers of radar and nocturnal infrared for early detection of those drones used by terrorist-religious, although is more cheap and easy to say the truth and to declare that the RELIGIOUS ARE ENEMIES OF THE HUMANKIND), and the miserable-religious occult-power Rome-saint (terror against reason how they did to Galileo Galilei,,,recent threat: "the III World War has already begun") protects to other credos and silences to Politicians and the Global Media (they never say that are the incendiary-religious) for that the innocent people that still say "oh my God" do not know it a fact already evident: IS TRUTH THAT RELIGION IS LIE
ReplyDelete...electric cars (charge in street-lamps)... every street-lamp of the World with e.g. 4 standard electric-plugs 220 v.ac. Each electric car exits from factory obligatorily with 2 electric-plugs 220 v.ac, one of entrance and other for exit. ENTRANCE PLUG: the car´s converter adapts the network-current to the adequate voltage of the car. EXIT PLUG: free available for whichever car that arrives after and cans connect to the car before. So nobody has that wait for, all cars that arrive to street-lamp they can connect in line one another. When a car finishes its charge, disconnects all and goes away, the others go advancing towards the street-lamp and connect again one another. So nobody have that wait for. How the GRAPHENE BATTERIES Have Not Memory Effect, they can disconnect/connect without problem. If government has that give money for that electric-charge to each one, can do it applying a money-charge by kms/year declared. Electric car´s charge solved the problem. Have to put already the plugs in all street-lamps around the World...and the factories must to put those 2 electric-plugs to all cars, finished the electric-charge´s actual problem, for electric cars.
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without religion "feasts": Inquisition)... when until goes to continue the world the "feasts" of religion enduring?... What a beautiful is the "Christ"mas!, but...that still only has the splendid showcase and after with the back-room of religious gloomy darkness, horror and crime. No more wiles to innocents, make already the authentic Birthmas, the Nativity from the wonderful real women, and not from the inhuman-religious tales. Have to transform already ALL the "feasts" of religion into TRUE HUMAN FESTIVITIES, that not "pagans", nor do "mundane". Have that send already once and for all the religion, what religion, mine, yours, or of those?, all religions: the religion...to the trash (finished religion´s Wars, the unique Immortality it is coming from We self: Technological Immortality). Without delinquency, a New World based on the Truth and Justice: 1 only United Planet without Nations, without Wars and without Frontiers (only cities), with 1 only World Government, 1 only Flag and 1 only Idiom... No more religion for to continue "forever and ever" the religious infecting global media, enterprises (watch cross seeming feign "4 windows" in Windos10), governments, schools, high schools and universities with their ancestral system buys-wills, "if you want have a job, house and a car on the door, already you know put the neck in the priest", with their thousands of million of "believers": Bought, or Innocents, or Ignorant... No more religious tale time counting false "century XXI, year 2019 a.c."... A Planetary Convention to select the True Starting of the Time Counting... if from beginning of the Bronze Ages year 1, year -10500 begin mathematics: some straight lines representing each one the number 1... on the Earth Planet, century 66... Merry Birthmas and Happy New Year 6519.
ReplyDelete(2)...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering)... in that Brazil of the miserable ones, they say that for "to clean" the streets for the World Football Championship,,,the polic,,,assassi,,,childr,,, (someone of those majors children is capable of to kill for robbing the shoes, but the vermin are who governs and convert them in that). And FIFA "get to knew nothing", they would must have done suspend the damned World Championship and to observe 1 minute of silence for those innocents "swept away" from the streets and from the life. Can watch in photographs to two little girls begging alms, the tender creatures are joined for mutual helping to carry their solitude and abandonment... When the night goes down, to where they go?...they have searched instinctively, such as all living beings, a place for take refuge...the place of the darkness, the place of the distance, the place of the fear, the place of the rats present over there too...one day another day, one night another night... Where is that "God"?, in the homovices ceilings of the Vatic ano. Where the hope?, where the tenderness?, where the education?...at noner part. Others ones, carry glue to them for inhaling and forgetting and for dying.
ReplyDelete...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering)... in the Brazil of the "Ordem e Progresso" the "children of the street" abandoned such as if they were dogs...in countries of Orient as Lebanon, children almost babies thrown away on the ground together with an adult begging alms, already from the more tender infancy they get accustomed to look the World from down and suffering...children dying of cold into refugee camps in countries with endless religion´s wars...and meanwhile shameless multireligious-pontifices in their golden palaces eating partridges, and well sheltered with the best wool in the best blankets made in England, the best boots...and not fall down their faces of shame when they look to themselves in the mirror... How they can have $50,000 million in the Bank, living on a golden skyscraper and to be dedicated to want build a barrier-wall, instead of to be dedicated to saving to all those who they can?... THE WORLD CAN NOT CONTINUE INDIFERENT TO THAT HORROR AGAINST THE INFANCY... ALL those children who are suffering must be rescued and be in ward by the State and be delivered in ADOPTION to all adequate FAMILIES OF THE WORLD who want adopt them... Children 8,500 die of hunger everyday on the World... Off with religion, off with monarchies and off with politicians shameless.
ReplyDelete...3d bioprinting-Immortality (mom-printer: dignity)... miserable-religious are who infect and deceive with their religion tales to the World (religious are in wait for: careful with put "Immorality" instead of Immortality, uf...), religious barking "it would be a cyborg/clone/avatar/frankenstein", miserable-religious are who make auto-propaganda in Global Media and indirectly write script of the falsity movie "the 6th day", demented-religious who have in exclusive "a business of death". The World that still ignores (go to street and ask by bioprinting...) accustomed to the past of impotence in the matter, do not still knows that already has to change the chip, that must do not insult to Immortals who will come (all Humankind) call them "cyborg". When somebody is suffering the death of their little daughter (Chiquitita) and Science does record her Memory-Genes-Image in a new identical bioprinted body and then she comes back again to the life exactly the same that previously, those parents will tolerate that the miserable-priest call her "cyborg"?. The Intellective Power of Humankind carries us to dominate the Universe, Life and Immortality. Will there is NOTHING that we not can obtain. Only is a question of Time.