If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Federal Reserve faces more lawsuits

Counting down to the Fed's doomsday. I wonder how long can it last with all the pressures everywhere coming from the raging Americans, HR1207, S604, Bloomberg and GATA lawsuits to disclose their super highly secretive information? With that being said, they are getting more and more worried everyday and struggling so hard to protect their who-knows-what-they-are-smoking secrecy the world wants to know so badly. But do they really think that they can get away with their century-old secrets? Reversing everything back to pre-crisis level and let the housing prices keep bubbling up, and not to mention rewarding Wall Street bankers handsomely while everyone suffers? That certainly defies reality. I strongly believe, the time will come, one day, not in the too distant future that the Fed must come an end! Fed and it's "fractional reserve system" clearly cannot work in this economy anymore, at least not by simply printing pile of worthless papers. Enough said, keep pounding the Fed until it bursts! END THE FED!


Bloomberg's Lawsuit - Court Orders Fed to Disclose Emergency Bank Loans

Bloomberg's Lawsuit - Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion

Bloomberg's Lawsuit - Federal Reserve Appeals Court Order to Disclose Loans

Bloomberg's Lawsuit - Bloomberg Responds To Fed FOIA Appeal, Blasts Bernanke's "Hyperbolic Speculation" Of Economic Collapse

GATA's Lawsuit - Federal Reserve Admits Hiding Gold Swap Arrangements

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