If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Awakening | Development of Awareness, Mind and Ego in Human

Awakening is a process where the experiencer looses attachment to the identities of the image self, thus dissolving the Ego. But the key to dissolving the Ego is to still the mind - more specifically the thinking part of the mind. Any attempt to fight the image self will strengthen it. The Ego needs mind thoughts to keep its self image alive, by taking away its only source of energy - the thinking mind - Ego will weaken and dissolve over time. However, most people do find it difficult to break off from thinking, as their mind has been so active for much of their lives. So, daily meditation in solitude is strongly recommended in the beginning to train the mind to be calmed first. Once the mind is trained to be still, awareness can seep through the experiencer resulting in gain of awareness. With more awareness, Egoic habits then becomes easier to catch and correct, thus weakening the Ego further. There are powerful tools like sensory deprivation tank and medical cannibis that can help to train the thinking mind to become more stilled. The awakening process can be accelerated if a combination of the practices are used together.

Development of Awareness and Mind

Awareness is the capacity for experience, it is the being, the true self, the experiencing entity underneath all the identities, Awareness is the experiencer behind all the labels - such as the body, name, gender, color, race, occupation, and so on. In short: We are awareness.

Awareness exists in every life form, its just the degree of awareness that varies. The capacity for experience depends on the complexity of the physical form. In the development of awareness in human, our capacity for experience became very rich, perhaps more rich and vibrant than any other life forms ever existed on this planet. We are able sense the world in vibrant color and richness with the five senses we have. Through these five senses, we can experience many of the beauties that exist in this world.

Approximately 4 Billion years ago, awareness emerged in form with the creation of the first life on Earth. This life form perhaps emerged as micro organisms in the beginning. It might only be aware of the temperature of its surrounding and not much more. Its capacity for experience was very faint. Later, nervous systems emerged as more senses developed to further the capacity for experience. Millions of years later, brain slowly emerged in life forms and consequently, awareness and capacity for experience increased substantially.

In life forms, the physical body acts as a conduit that allows awareness to exist in form, while the mind is the intelligence that exists between the inner world (awareness) and the outer world (form). This intelligence processes all the flows of the information between the two worlds. The mind is a necessary conduit that enables experiences to take place in this realm.

Many thousands of years ago in human, our thinking mind reached a threshold in intelligence and we became self aware.

Development of Ego

Thousands of years ago, human mind gained self awareness after a threshold in mind intelligence was reached. We became aware of the self and we labeled it: i. Later we added identities to this i. We added names, nationality, religion, race, job titles, social status and so on.

i grew in strength as more identities were added, and once attachments to those identities became solidified - i became the Ego. Ego is then sustained and inflated with mental thoughts to reinforce its existence. Mind activity for the experiencer intensified, creating unease and suffering. When Ego gained enough strength, the thinking mind became incessantly active and turned itself into the Egoic mind. Mind activity in the form of thoughts is what keeps the image self alive, the mind is the source of energy for the Ego.

It can also be said that we human mistakenly identified with the false self and became attached to our image. In fact, we thought of more ways to inflate the image as we added more identities by accumulating material wealth, social status, personal possessions and so on. As we became more identified with the Ego, awareness and capacity for experience fainted.

In the western culture, now reflected throughout the world is very much identified with the image self. As of present day, the human collective is still in the Egoic mind state as we continue to engagement in wars, deceptions, violence, pollution and destruction to other life forms on this planet.

Amazingly, in its quest to experience the world in more vibrant color, awareness lost itself to the Ego for a period of time. But awareness is awakening now...


Awakening is a necessary process in self aware life forms to dissolve away the inner ego in them before they can become an aware life form fully aware of its existence in this realm. After human became self aware, we identified ourselves with the image because that was all we could see, we thought we were our body. It is through suffering and questioning of our existence we began to awaken and become more aware of our true identity.

During awakening, the experiencer looses attachments to the identities of the image self, thus dissolving the Ego in the process. But to detach requires the thinking mind to be stilled. A stilled mind produces no thought, cutting off the incessant mental activities that sustains the Ego. Mental thoughts and images are what hold the attachments in place and keeping the self image alive.

The key to dissolving the Ego is to still the mind - more specifically the thinking part of the mind. In the state of no thought, the experiencer is able to experience the world in the present moment. Its important to note that thinking and full presence can not coexist, it can also be said thinking and full experience can not coexist. Incessant thinking not only produces disturbances, it also traps the experiencer in the mind realm. However, most people find it difficult to break off from thinking, as their mind has been so active for much of their lives. So, daily meditation in solitude is strongly recommended in the beginning to train the mind to be calmed first. Once the mind is trained to be still, awareness can seep through the experiencer resulting in gain of awareness. With more awareness. Egoic habits then becomes easier to catch and correct, thus weakening the Ego further. To accelerate the awakening process, there are powerful tools like sensory deprivation tank and medical cannibis that can help to train the thinking mind to become more stilled.

Awakening in human started around 2600 years ago in a few individuals. Today, the rate of awakening is accelerating with the aid of technology and important teachings. Although that number is still relatively small compared to the population, it seems like now is we are ready for an awakening to happen on the collective level. Once the Ego is dissolved in the collective, much of the sufferings we see in the world today will disappear and peace can be experienced on Earth. The flow of life is restored and we human have fulfilled our destiny.

Tools and practices recommended to still the mind
•Meditation - mental exercise that helps direct the focus of the mind away from thinking into the present moment. Make it a habit to become aware of the now moment to moment. Daily practice in solitude is recommended as the thinking mind may be too active in the beginning.
•Sensory Deprivation Tank - While floating inside, all external sensory stimuli is removed from the experiencer leaving the mind very stilled. Awareness can grow very quickly with this tool.
•Medical Cannibis - Is the medicine for the mind. It can help to reduce mental activities if explored in combination with meditation. This is especially helpful for beginning meditators who find mediation difficult. Explore this with health professionals in legalized states.

Source: Awakening | Development of Awareness, Mind and Ego in Human

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