If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Calls for Geithner Resignation!

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, as part of a grilling on Capitol Hill yesterday, was asked by a Republican lawmaker to resign. It is a call he is likely to hear again and again as next year’s election campaign heats up.

Earlier in the week, a Republican challenger for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut had demanded Geithner quit, lambasting him for being “cozy” with banks bailed out by the federal government. Two other Republicans have requested hearings into Geithner’s handling of the bailout of insurer American International Group Inc.

“For the sake of our jobs, will you step down from your post?” asked Brady, who first won his seat in 1996. “The public has lost all confidence in your ability to the do the job, and it is reflecting on your president.”

“I don’t think you should be fired,” Burgess told him. “I thought you should have never been hired.”

Continue reading: Bloomberg - Geithner Resignation Calls May Increase as 2010 Election Nears

Growing discontent over the economy and frustration with efforts to speed its recovery boiled over Thursday on Capitol Hill in a wave of criticism and outright anger directed at the Obama administration.

Episodes in both houses of Congress exposed the raw nerves of lawmakers flooded with stories of unemployment and economic hardship back home. They also underscored the stiff headwinds that the administration faces as it pushes to enact sweeping changes to the financial regulatory system while also trying to create jobs for ordinary Americans.

Two buildings away, at a session of the Joint Economic Committee, Republicans escalated their attacks on Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, including a call for his resignation.

Source: ECONOMIC WOES TAKING A TOLL - House Republicans call on Geithner to resign

Congressman Tells the Senate Tim Geithner Must be Removed!

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