Scott Summit - The Future of 3D Printing
Read also - NY Times - 3-D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution
Technologies preview in the Zeitgeist Moving Forward documentary.
RepRap is a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap can print those parts, RepRap is a self-replicating machine - one that anyone can build given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend...
What is RepRap? Introductory Lecture - Part 1 of 2
What is RepRap? Introductory Lecture - Part 2 of 2
Contour Crafting (CC) is a layered fabrication technology developed by Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis of the University of Southern California. Contour Crafting technology has great potential for automating the construction of whole structures as well as sub-components. Using this process, a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different design, may be automatically constructed in a single run, embedded in each house all the conduits for electrical, plumbing and air-conditioning.
Contour Crafting
Contour Crafting - Concrete-Jet Robot
We are fast approaching the END OF CAPITALISM! Long live TZM!
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