"You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out." -Andrew Jackson
Previous footage
Financial Crisis Protest - New York, April 25, 2008
End The Fed - New York Fed Part 1
End The Fed - New York Fed Part 2
End The FED NYC 11.22.2008
END THE FED Rally - 11-22-08 New York City NYC
Alex Jones End the Fed OTN Interview
EXCLUSIVE - End The Fed Rally with Ron Paul and Peter Schiff
End The Fed - Houston Rally with Ron Paul Pt.1
End The Fed - Houston Rally with Ron Paul Pt.2
End The Fed - Houston Rally with Ron Paul Pt.3
End The Fed - Houston Rally with Ron Paul Pt.4
End The Fed Rally NYC 2/2 Peter Schiff Speaks to Angry Crowd!
If you want to find out more about the movement, just go to YouTube.com and search for "End The Fed".
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